Managing fulfillment

Managing fulfillment

Once you submit any fulfillment order you can see all updates in your fulfillment center and will also get updates via email. You can reach out to your Success manager at any time via email or through our chat. Even to schedule a meeting to go over anything in question. 

Here is how fulfillment orders flow:


Once you submit your fulfillment order our team receives all your details and begins preparing the campaign. Our onboarding typically takes anywhere from 2-5 business days depending on load and complexity. 

Within your fulfillment center you will see the “work orders” tab. This section gives you a live update of our internal system to keep you in the loop as we work on your order. You will also see any other tasks throughout our management of this account we create. You can even submit your own work orders to us directly. 


After the campaigns have been launched depending we then begin our weekly optimization. Each week your account specialist reviews the account for performance and makes necessary updates. This is reflected in a weekly report that breaks down 3 main elements:

1. Our thoughts on performance
2. What we worked on
3. Next steps and needed items

Included In each optimization report is the last 7 days metrics we reviewed.

This comes to you in your portal ad a white labeled report you can easily share with clients. 

Work orders

Work orders are essentially our internal task system. We create work orders to do unscheduled updates outside of our weekly optimization. Including things like budget updates, new creative from the client, update to locations or other targeting, questions from your client to provide feedback on. 

Creating a work order can be done through our chat widget that will verify your account and walk you through the update you would like to submit. You can also reach out directly to your success manager via email to communicate any updates and we will submit the work order. 

Stopping service

If you need to suspend service for a fulfillment account. We make it very simple to manage. 

1. Go to the fulfillment center tab
2. click in the client service you wish ti cancel 
3. it will take you to our cancel page where you can stop service. 

Note: service will end fully at the end of the current billing cycle. You can see more about our service policy here. 


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